Dr. Luis


Well-respected anesthesiologist with many years of practice.

“With deep understanding of my industry, I educate and train healthcare staff on the latest advancements and best practices in the field.”


Dr. Luis

Doctor Guzman has a huge background in anesthesia, he was selected to do an adicional specialty in Neurological Anesthesia and is a founding member of the residents and ex-residents of his specialty at the hospital “Siglo XXI” one of the largest hospitals in México.

Originary from Veracruz, he came to live in Cancun and has been more than 20 years working along Dr. Alicia every single surgery. A great history of success, friendship and a long career full of experience and warm relationships with patients.

Dr. Luis

  • Medical Card: 704394
  • Anesthesiologist Specialist Medical Card: 13770
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